Moisture and cold air can kill hot mix in an asphalt drum plant. Although many factors contribute to these two elements invading the dryer drum, one often forgotten component is the seal. It’s imperative to prevent moisture from entering the drum when mixing asphalt. Albarrie’s AlSeal™ Asphalt Dryer Drum Seals restrict air entry and heat escape in and out of the drum while aggregates pass through it. Unlike ordinary rubber gaskets, which require frequent replacement and are overly rigid, Albarrie creates the AlSeal™ dryer drum seals from nonwoven Para-Aramid® fabric. The fabric seals are flexible and can compress without leaving gaps – even when uneven surfaces or slight flange warping occurs. Albarrie’s AlSeal™ Asphalt Drum Seals are custom fabricated to fit and operate on all dryer drum mixers from ambient temperatures up to 840°F (450°C).